General Terms and Conditions
-user: Somebody who visits this website and uses its contents. By using this website, the user accepts these terms and conditions. A user can become a registered user by registering.
-account: The free membership of this website. Which means signing up by sending an activation code and password. The registered user is coupled by a userID and an username.
-member: Somebody who took the opportunity to sign up for an account. Membership is open for everybody except when he or she is banned from these facilities before. A member accepts the terms stated on this page when signing up.
-crew: The people who maintain this website. These people speak in the name of this website. There judgment, actions and decisions are in almost all cases final. There is no way to correspond about these actions.
-post: A by a member placed message on this site.
-sanction: A member can be sanctioned by a member of the crew of this website about the behavior of that member. A sanction can be a ban or a warning.
Additional conditions for members
A member is responsible for the contents of the posts made under his/her nickname. He/she is also responsible to meticulously watch over his/her account.
A member is severally liable for all the damage that comes from his/her actions. This website can under no circumstance be held liable for the accuracy of the placed content. There is no way to appeal, on any grounds, on any data, information or software. This website is not responsible for any damage that comes from the use, loss or otherwise damage that could result from the usage of information on this website. The member indemnifies this website from any legal procedures that are based on the assertion that a posts makes infringements on (intellectual)right of ownership.
Rights of this website
This website keeps the right to exclude a member without any reason.
A member is always able to end the membership of this website. Any personal data will be removed, but the content placed of this member will remain intact because this is an integral part of any discussion.
This website keeps the right to change the content of a post made by a member. It is not allowed to ask or offer anything illegal, stolen or copyrighted . This will result in an immediate ban from these facilities. This website can also decide to report this to the government.
It is strictly forbidden to spam our members with harvested e-mail addresses from this site. This in particular for spam that has no direct connection to the by this member placed content.
This website is allowed to replace the content of these general terms and conditions without notification.
All rights reserved. Except for downloading and printing of the offered information for personal use or when otherwise explicitly stated, it is not allowed to duplicate the contents of this website without explicit written agreement.